Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Sweet forget-me-nots^^ (Source)

Hi^^. Today we celebrate Mother's Day and I would like to take the chance to thank my mam cordially for everything! You are the best! May all your wishes come true...I loved to gather forget-me-nots when I was a little girl, luckily they grew in the garden of my grandmother back then. Their latin name is: Myosotis sylvatica.
Also today is Jojo's birthday (earlier refered to as JC) - Happy birthday!! We celebrated on the eve of her birthday yesterday and this included a funny game called 'Die Werwölfe vom Düsterwald' (The Werewolves of Miller's Hollow) by Philippe des Phalliéres and Hervé Marly: A little village is haunted at night by werewolves that pretend to be villagers during the day. Every night they choose a victim and the normal villagers try to find out the true identities of the werewolves among them, before they are killed by them. I hope we can play again soon!! Below is JoJo's present: she wished for colourful mugs and happily I found some (after like twelve stores). Please notice that the colours are perfectly matching each other^^.
Love, Lilly :)

Jojos birthday presents: mugs, tea ('Lucky star') and some Italian sweets.

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