Monday, March 30, 2009
I went to a huge crafts supply store today to buy the things
depicted above (felt, pearls) ...what could I be planning to
do with them? You'll find out in a couple of days^^ (if it works out).
After work I went to one of my favourite coffeehouses with my dear friend K to have white ice chocolate. We did not see each other for some time, so I was happy to meet up with her! Afterwards I was delighted to rummage in the crafts store, because it gives you so much inspiration how to express your creativity and I have got the feeling that I see something new everytime I go there! What inspires you?
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Still ill

the sun is shining outside and the birds
are singing...but I decided to stay in bed the whole day, because I am still ill with a cold. Why do they always have to be so persistent? By the way I have an exam tomorrow morning, so this means learning, too.
But I'll stop lamenting, because I spent a really nice weekend and got to see many friends, so this makes up for it. On Saturday morning I was lucky enough to be spoilt with delicious pancakes (Marry me, M!) for breakfast^^.
The bed on the picture is from Laura Ashley. If you have never heard of her before, be sure to check out her collections! She is famous for her romantic dresses and splendid interior styles. Hopefully I'll be okay again soon,
Lilly *sneeze*
PS.: I love having muffins^^ (chocolate or caramel), especially for breakfast. For F's birthday on March the 16th I bought Swedish lemon cream muffins:
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Zhang Ziyi
Hi^^. This evening I went out with my friends to
eat at an Asian restaurant! The food was
absolutely delicious and I enjoyed the atmosphere,
being surrounded by all kind of interior decoration
with an asian design. We'll be definitely going
back there again in time! I had jasmine tea, little spring
rolls and pan-fried noodles with vegetables and
little prawns.
My favourite Asian actress is Zhang Ziyi (Ziyi is her first name).
She is famous for playing in 'Tiger & Dragon (2000)',
'Geisha (2005)', 'The house of flying daggers (2004)' and
'Hero (2002)'. Most of her films feature her as martial
arts heroine. Her fighting often appears as
smooth as dancing! This is due to her former
career as dancer. Her outfits are stunning and I wish
I could move as graciously and fleet-footed as her!
Please convince yourself and watch one of her films!^^.
All pictures are from 'Hello Ziyi'.
Lilly :)
eat at an Asian restaurant! The food was
absolutely delicious and I enjoyed the atmosphere,
being surrounded by all kind of interior decoration
with an asian design. We'll be definitely going
back there again in time! I had jasmine tea, little spring
rolls and pan-fried noodles with vegetables and
little prawns.
My favourite Asian actress is Zhang Ziyi (Ziyi is her first name).
She is famous for playing in 'Tiger & Dragon (2000)',
'Geisha (2005)', 'The house of flying daggers (2004)' and
'Hero (2002)'. Most of her films feature her as martial
arts heroine. Her fighting often appears as
smooth as dancing! This is due to her former
career as dancer. Her outfits are stunning and I wish
I could move as graciously and fleet-footed as her!
Please convince yourself and watch one of her films!^^.
All pictures are from 'Hello Ziyi'.
Lilly :)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Alternative outfits
Hi! Today for a special matter: I tended to associate
veganism with an rather extreme eco-sustainable
lifestyle, close to ascetism. If you now think...ehm,
what means 'vegan' again? It includes the
abdication of any animal products, e.g. honey, eggs and
milk. I am vegetarian myself, but I could not
imagine to reject yoghurt^^ (I can easily eat
a little bucket of stracciatella yoghurt). Together
with the eating habits I envisioned very alternative
outfits, like the hippies of the know what I am
talking about in the worst case! But the page
AlternativeOutfitters really changed my mind! The
gorgeous accessories in this post are all from their shop and
they are all considered vegan, which means that they were
produced eco-friendly and without harming animals.
Amazing design, I simply admire it!!!

veganism with an rather extreme eco-sustainable
lifestyle, close to ascetism. If you now think...ehm,
what means 'vegan' again? It includes the
abdication of any animal products, e.g. honey, eggs and
milk. I am vegetarian myself, but I could not
imagine to reject yoghurt^^ (I can easily eat
a little bucket of stracciatella yoghurt). Together
with the eating habits I envisioned very alternative
outfits, like the hippies of the know what I am
talking about in the worst case! But the page
AlternativeOutfitters really changed my mind! The
gorgeous accessories in this post are all from their shop and
they are all considered vegan, which means that they were
produced eco-friendly and without harming animals.
Amazing design, I simply admire it!!!

Hi^^. I decided to illustrate my current favourite outfit
in a sketch, because I am still to shy to ask somebody to
take my picture sad. I am wearing it at the moment
as often as possible to almost everywhere^^.
I'll describe the pieces as soon as I have a real picture
and then you can compare if I reported the dress
correctly XDD.
After work I went to buy flowers in a little shop
that I have not been to before. I am content with
my choice: a azalea with pink and white blossoms.
I hope M. (s. last post) will like them!
Lilly :))
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Love Angel Music Baby
Hi^^. Friday I am invited to a little sleep over party at my
friend M's house, so what would be better than bringing
a cute little plushy sheep as small present?! (The sheepy still lacks a prober ribbon, but I'll see to that...). Along with it I chose
a card with marguerites and some tea candles with strawberry
At the beginning of this week I catched a cold due to a
sudden weather change and I am still not well enough
to try on my new lipstick without seriously contaminating
it ;)). Hopefully it fades quickly!
Related to sheep I remembered that Gwen Stefani has a brand
called L.A.M.B. (=Love Angel Music Baby). Her creations and
video outfits are really glamorous! Among her songs I love:
- What you waiting for?
- Rich Girl
- Hollaback Girl
- Early winter
I hope she will keep designing, because I could not find
a collection she did I 2009?!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Sweet dreams

Hi^^! I fell instantly in love with this beautiful bed linen... such a pretty rose design! But I bought bed linen only recently and therefore it will stay a dream -.- . Actually it is from Tchibo and as far as I know only available in Germany.
I am happy that we returned all savely in the morning from
our trip to the disco (s. last post) and I felt like sleeping all day and I can feel every bone in my body from to much driving and dancing! I hope you enjoyed your weekend, too!
See you soon,
Lilly :)
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Moi je joue
My friend F surprised me by asking me to
join him and his friends to go to the disco. (Turned
out that they needed somebody to drive them...
men!!). The idea of driving with a foreign car about
50 km there and back during the night scared me
immensely. Let me explain: I hold a driver's license,
but no car on my own and therefore I did not move
a car for over a year! So we spend the whole afternoon
driving about in his car^^ (with him giving constantly
comments about women and driving). But it helped
and I am happy that I regained my self-confidence in
this matter!
I love the song "Moi je joue" by Brigitte Bardot,
it is so bright and happy and makes you want to
sing along!^^ I would like to share the advertising
video for the perfume 'Miss Dior Cherie' with you,
because it was directed by Sofia Coppola (she also
did Marie Antoinette). The scenes are excellent
day dream material^^- Life is beautiful!
See you soon,
Lilly :)
miss cherie,
moi je joue,
Friday, March 20, 2009
By the seaside
Hi^^. Today I altered the new earrings I introduced
yesterday! The seahorses have been removed and
they now form a pair themselves^^.
I love seahorses, therefore I browsed the net for
some seahorse accessories and here is what I

3: ebay(.de)shop:schmuckwerkehanau,
4: silver charm by thomas sabo, 5: by potterybarn, 6:
country today and I went out for some iced
coffee in the spring sun (but afterwards I wasn't
only frozen from outside, but also from the inside^^).
I wish I could have those golden sandals...awww.
Obviously I love marine designs :)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Mermaid Melody
My lovely new earrings arrived today!
I am really into earings and I just had
to get this pair! (Enlarge the picture to
see the details). I noticed that they
cannot be worn on a daily basis,
but I'll figure something out^^.
Matchingly I found a gorgeous
gown and a mermaid-style bag.
Mermaids have fascinated me since
ever and I like to imagine them
swimming through a tropical coral
reef, with long floating hair and
guarding sunken treasures on the
sea floor. Of course I like Disneys
Arielle, the Australian series
"H2O - Just add water" and the
admittedly rather sad story of the
little mermaid! See you soon,
Lilly ;)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Over the rainbow

Hi^^. Some inspiration that came to my mind! I LOVE the kitty^^.
I am trying out a vegetarian recipe with my friend J. tonight,
really looking forward to it! :)
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hi^^. Sunrays alwalys make me totally happy and today I
was very lucky: it was bright and incredibly warm the
whole day! Hopefully spring will soon be there! The
first flowers have already bloomed and you can hear
the birds singing early in the morning. And I found
my first lady bird this year!
Now I dream of iced coffee in the sun, wearing
ballerinas again, green leaves on the trees and
dancing butterflys...Spring is definitely
my favourite season^^. Which is yours and why?
Lilly :)
was very lucky: it was bright and incredibly warm the
whole day! Hopefully spring will soon be there! The
first flowers have already bloomed and you can hear
the birds singing early in the morning. And I found
my first lady bird this year!
Now I dream of iced coffee in the sun, wearing
ballerinas again, green leaves on the trees and
dancing butterflys...Spring is definitely
my favourite season^^. Which is yours and why?
Lilly :)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Summer in Venice
Hi^^. Yesterday evening I watched "Summertime"
by David Lean, a film from 1955. It takes place in Italy
and narrates the story of Jane Hudson who travels to
Venice to explore the city. There she meets Renato
and falls in love with him, but then she discovers that
he is married and decides to leave Venice
broken-hearted without him...
The setting and the costumes were amazing, like in
a fairy-tale dream! I have been to Venice with my
family when I was a child and the magic of this
'city on the water' with the doves and golden lions
mysteriously casts a spell over everybody who gets
there! I hope I can go back there again^-^.
Todays the birthday of a dear friend of mine and
I am rushing off soon, so I wish everybody
a good time, see you soon...
Lilly :)
by David Lean, a film from 1955. It takes place in Italy
and narrates the story of Jane Hudson who travels to
Venice to explore the city. There she meets Renato
and falls in love with him, but then she discovers that
he is married and decides to leave Venice
broken-hearted without him...
The setting and the costumes were amazing, like in
a fairy-tale dream! I have been to Venice with my
family when I was a child and the magic of this
'city on the water' with the doves and golden lions
mysteriously casts a spell over everybody who gets
there! I hope I can go back there again^-^.
Todays the birthday of a dear friend of mine and
I am rushing off soon, so I wish everybody
a good time, see you soon...
Lilly :)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Green Day
Hi^^. Today it rained all day long -.-... but I was perfectly happy
nevertheless, because I waited weeks for this day to come!
Twice a year there is held a huge vintage market only for women
clothes in my city and of course I had to be there, too! Imagine a
hall full of tables with clothes, shoes, bags and jewellery in all kind
of colours, exited women, everywhere mirrors to check the outfit
and little changing rooms^^. In the first place it is a lot fun and
you get to chatter with other fashion-crazy girls and usually
you have the chance to hit upon a few bargains!
I bought about twelve treasures and I will show them piece by
piece. To make a start I was looking for something mint-coloured
and found this pullover. I hope to wear it soon (it is very thin and
I am catching colds too easily). Enjoy your Sunday evening and
see you soon, lovelies^^
PS.: Note to myself: I have to find somebody to take pictures
of my whole outfit (not only portraits)... only that my favourite
candidate for this is currently to Scottland!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
New Basics
My first Mango bag was from Spain and eversince I like their
bags, because they are of good quality and easily match with
everything^^. The top is also new and I am in love with the
bright colour which reminds me of spring and beautiful
cherry blossoms! :)
Since last autumn I took a liking for turtlenecks and have quite
a few now. During the cold weather period I prefer them to
pullovers, because they are often to warm for me.
On Thursday a friend told me that she actually finds turtlenecks
ugly and I thought about her critique and decided that I will keep
wearing them, because they are just my favourite basic pieces!!
By the way I eat too many marzipan eggs (Easter is coming) and
I enjoy to listen to this song the whole day all and all over again:
'Just Dance' by Lady Gaga!
Lilly :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Going out
I went out with my friends to eat in a restaurant
last week, so I put quite some effort into my outfit:
Of late I am really crazy about pinning my hair up!
this time I did it without a special cushion and had it
decorated with little red roses^^. The necklace
actually is from the Tropical Museum in Amsterdam,
Netherlands (I went there in February this year).
After all there is a story behind the new red
chandelier earrings: I fell in love with them in the
BB-online shop and waited for them to appear
in the stores...without success. So I printed
their picture out and asked for them in the
store. The answer was: 'No, we don't have them.
We will never. We cannot order them.' But here
it comes: as I left the store I suddenly saw them
innocently hanging there! The shop assistant
(slightly embarrassed) told me they were coming
in this morning and she could not remember hanging
them up!^^So here we go: my new chandeliers and I!
PS.: The food was delicious, I had Italian pasta
with salmon, shrimps and cream spinach.
I went out with my friends to eat in a restaurant
last week, so I put quite some effort into my outfit:
Of late I am really crazy about pinning my hair up!
this time I did it without a special cushion and had it
decorated with little red roses^^. The necklace
actually is from the Tropical Museum in Amsterdam,
Netherlands (I went there in February this year).
After all there is a story behind the new red
chandelier earrings: I fell in love with them in the
BB-online shop and waited for them to appear
in the stores...without success. So I printed
their picture out and asked for them in the
store. The answer was: 'No, we don't have them.
We will never. We cannot order them.' But here
it comes: as I left the store I suddenly saw them
innocently hanging there! The shop assistant
(slightly embarrassed) told me they were coming
in this morning and she could not remember hanging
them up!^^So here we go: my new chandeliers and I!
PS.: The food was delicious, I had Italian pasta
with salmon, shrimps and cream spinach.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
New Hairstyle
Following a few online descriptions about how to create
elegant chignons, I tried out the variant that is shown in
the picture^^. Not too bad for my very first try...?!
It was a lot of fun, because to start with I had to buy a little
cushion in the shape of a doughnut! Along with it I
choose a pearly hair-band and I am quite content with the outcome.
I already envision many variations and occasions to wear it.
This is the page I worked with: Chignons.
It is in German language, but the pictures are helpful!
See you soon,
Following a few online descriptions about how to create
elegant chignons, I tried out the variant that is shown in
the picture^^. Not too bad for my very first try...?!
It was a lot of fun, because to start with I had to buy a little
cushion in the shape of a doughnut! Along with it I
choose a pearly hair-band and I am quite content with the outcome.
I already envision many variations and occasions to wear it.
This is the page I worked with: Chignons.
It is in German language, but the pictures are helpful!
See you soon,
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