Warning! Wild ferrets occupy the area^^. At least two of them are temporarily the new members of my friend JC's home! I visited her to get to know the vivid little girls. They romped through their cage (JC's friend Nike sewed little hammocks for each of them, this is where they prefer to sleep now). They are absolutely crazy about climbing everywhere...and if the ferret is supposed to be on your arm, you can suspect that it trys to get quickly into your sleeves or lies like a fur shawl around your neck. As soon as we released them to play in JC's room, they squeaked happily and jumped onto an empty plastic bottle. They enjoy rolling it across the floor! (And were only content, as both of them had one on their own!) We had to get them out of JC's waste paper basket twice. How in the world did they manage to get in there?! Their movements were so fast that it became impossible to take any proper pictures! Lively, lovable ladys!!
Love, Lilly :))
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