Hi =). A visit to Jerusalem is not complete without the Mount of Olives ('Ölberg'). I walked it down with T. and catched up with the sights on the way! The sun was crazy that day, but then - when is it not in Israel? Grab your scarf and sunglasses and follow me! =)
On top of the Mount of Olives. Check the video for the view of Jerusalem behind us! By the way, I am wearing sunglasses pair No.2 - my precious Primarks got lost on the bus...!!
The Western Wall (formerly: Wailing Wall). It it the most important sanctuary for the Jews. People come here to pray and cry and dance. You have to clean your hands before you enter and then you can lend books with prayers. Of course you can also leave your wishes on small notes in the wall. A special place in Jerusalem! Directly behind lays the Dome of Rocks.
A cat chilling in the Muslim quarter of the Old City.
Short break =).
Rose petals in a Christian churchyard on the Mount.
In this Christian church, the prayers Jesus taught his disciples can be found in about 50 languages (on the walls, see picture). It was founded by a French princess. It features also a cave where Jesus is said to have spoken to his followers. By the way, Mount of Olives is the place where Jesus ascended to heaven!
A Russian orthodox church on the Mount. A nunnery (cloister) in these days, not open for visitors. Beautiful cupolas!
WOW!! The olive trees here are dated back about 2000 years. This is the Garden Gethsemane. You remember, were Jesus spent his last night in freedom and was later arrested by the Romans after Judas betrayed him?
The Garden Gethsemane belongs now to a Christian Church. Sorry about all this religious stuff, but man we are in Jerusalem!! What do you exspect??! I find it pretty interesting to visit so many sanctuaries from the Christian, Muslim and Jewish religion.
Evening in the center of Jerusalem... Lilly had to climb this statue in a park. Pretty embarrassing that it was (even for me) too high to get on and I ended up with a guy having me placed on top of the horse (not that this was very much fairy-tal-y, nooo...).
Yummy, eggplant lasagna for dinner!
I hope you enjoyed the photos and there will be more of the Big Road Trip through all areas of Israel soon! For now I can't stop to listen to Beyoncés new song: Why don't you love me? Lalala... Wonderful Saturday to you! =)
I am finally back from the streets of Israel from our big Road Trip. Our first stop was the Holy City: Jerusalem! We spent three exciting days there and I cannot say what impressed me more: the Old City, the crazy traffic, the shops, the people?! It is an amazing mixture of history, religion and different cultures. A mixture which derives from the heart of the city: the Old City of Jerusalem. Divided into four quarters (the Christian, the Jewish, the Armenian and the Muslim quarter) and thriving with life, it had to be our first destination!
In the video, I am standing right in front of the main entrance area - the Jaffa Gate. Behind it lay all the secrets and sanctuaries that so substantially influenced the world as we know it today.
The stones beneath my feet are 2000 years old. They are slippery from the centuries. (I tripped over three times...).
Oriental bracelets in the markets on the side-streets of the Old City.
The shiny Dome of the Rocks. We'd love to enter but did not find it open for Non-Muslim visitors. Such a pity =(.
Delicate flowers on a roof top.
An arcade in the Armenian quarters.
Properly dressed in Jerusalem =). The dress is borrowed from H., she bought it in South Africa. Just the right thing to deal with the dry heat! My Mam bought me the black scarf. Sun glasses are obligatory.
Yaay, of course my favourite new necklace had to come along!
In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre (by the way the most important Christian Church): Candles next to Golgatha...the place where Jesus was crucified and died. People queue up here to pray and cry and/or take pictures. I'd like to respect them, therefore I generally never took photos of praying people (regardless of which religion).
The window over Jesus' tomb. Amazing light ray infall =). On a side note: The key to the Holy Sepulchre is (traditionally) owned by a Muslim family, to prevent any arguments between the Christian communities who have access and responsibilities in the Church.
Our small travel group was made up of four people: H., T., Y. and Lilly. Above is T., in a similar outfit than mine (very modest). Her skirt is from India^^. The red guy just happened to stand there, lol. Before this trip I never considered travelling in a dress or a skirt convenient, but I found myself surprised how well it works with the hot climate.
More from our road adventures soon^^. Back home since Monday, I was overly busy with all work-stuff and everyone wanted to hear about my trip, so I am still in the process of catching up to the recent events offline and online. Love,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Kakakku,My Hero
Dalam hidup ini harus diakui kita memiliki sosok ‘pahlawan’ yang selalu ada setiap kali kita butuhkan.
Dia bisa jadi ibu,ayah,sahabat,bakan kakak sendiri.
Nah,buat teman-teman nih yang punya kakak dan selalu ngelindungin kudu bangga tuh.
Soalnya punya kakak kayak gini pasti membanggakan bin menyenangkan.
Nah, dari sini muncul lagi perbedaan statement dari banyak kawula muda. .
ada yang mengatakan bahwa selama kakaknya gak terlalu over protektif atau sewajarnya masih visa di maklumi.
Cuma kadang-2 kan ada kakak yg niatnya menjadi pahlawan eh kesininya malah kita dipantau terus jadi gak nyaman katanya.
Berbeda dari teman yang lain, yang mengaku risih punya kakak seperti itu, sok ngatur katanya, kayak gak ada kerjaan aja.. .
Hemmm, , , for allyg punya kakak superhero ..kakak kalian meybe Cuma bentuk rasa saying & tanggung jawab sebagai seorang kakak. Supaya kita kagak wrong way alyas salah jalan
Apalagi di pergaulan remaja jaman sekarang, so, kita kudu bangga punya kakak kayak gitu.. . !!
“Cut Bray MASIH ASYIK !!!
Guys tau kan celana jeans cut bray .
yang itu loh celana yg sering banget di istilahkan banyak orang di jaman sekarang with “celana kaki gajah”.
Ditengah tren celana skinny or celana ketat, justru ada loh yg masi makai celana yg tren di tahun 70-80-an ini.
menurut doi-celana cut bray ini nyaman buat dipakai,and juga menurutnya, kenyamanan adalah kunci dari penampilan yang baik.
butt,beda buat sebagian kawula muda, smuanya malah ogah buat pakai celana ini,
they said ogah alyas gak PD buat pake celana cut bray jaman sekarang,
ckckck statement semua org emang beda.2, pokoknya jangan salah yah guys. .
model jadul tuh bisa buat inspirasi me-mix-kan style, so jangan di salah artikan!. .
I am not so familiar with African food, therefore it was a major experience to go to an Ethiopian restaurant here! The interior decoration was really typical and (okay, non so typical) I saw African music videos on their TV for the first time! Wow, I like :D.
It was supposed to look like daisies, but it came out more like fried eggs, sorry friends!! (H. was quick enough to nearly avoid the obligatory 'daisy', lol).
There were only two main choices: meat or non-meat. We ordered both and I tried each meal. Okay, these are the facts: You do not get forks or spoons or knives. Which means? Yeah, you have to wash them throughly and then you eat just with your hands!!! O.O
The vegetables (or the meat) are served along with little salads on the Ethiopian version of bread and you take some of it and then you try to move both to your mouth without accidents...
Of course we had a lot of those 'accidents' and at the end I felt like a three-year old toddler, my face and my clothes stained with the yummy food! Haha, we are going back there in about a week. =))) Love,
Hi =). I did not exspect to have the time to read, but you know - a little now and then...ahaha. It took me two days to finish Zafóns 'Shadow of the Wind' and it has about 500 pages. =) Okay, let's see what I have here: The Instyle and Grazia are bought at the airport in Germany (April issues). I found the Allure left at our apartment (from last year). Now it's an easy guess where my fancy wall decoration comes from (in this post).
Then there are two books featuring the under water life here (always checking after snorkeling!!^^). And of course Carlos Ruiz Zafón's 'The Shadow of the Wind' and Margaret Atwood's Oryx and Crake (review is in preparation). You can find a review for Zafón here.
A German-speaking friend of mine here is reading the 'Psychologie Heute' (Psychology Today) and lending it to me^^. It is a magazine about the recent research findings in the field of psychology and related topics. Very interesting! What are you reading at the moment? Can you recommend something specific for this summer? Love,
After nearly six weeks, I feel really that I started living here a normal daily life^^! So are you ready to join me for a short ride through my city? Come along with me and discover...
Growing next to my office♥. A red hibiscus.
The beach for tourists and parties =). The harbour is behind it.
A small palm tree forest (the only known form of a forest here!).
One of the 24h supermarkets - very convenient, when all other stores are closed on shabat.
The mountains. I'd love to go hiking, but the season is already over. Now it's too hot to move outside! O.O
Bars and restaurants for big nights out^^.
This evening, I'll take the 6 p.m. bus to travel to the city where my friend lives. Tomorrow morning, we are heading to Yerushalaim (Jerusalem), the first stop of our Road Trip. We are going to explore the city for three days and I am sooo looking forward to see everything! Love and bye for now,
Wandering the shore I found these beautiful ocean-coloured pieces of jewellery between the beach pebbles. Or so it seems ;)). A girl can dream... Anyways, I suddenly discovered my love for turquoise jewellery here and was happy to find these purchases.
Looks like a stone itself, doesn't it? A caramel coloured ring.
I wear this necklace nearly every day ♥. The inspiration came mainly from those pieces:
Summer approaches us now in big steps... we are exspecting to hit the 40° C (104 °F) line within these days! Now to the BIG NEWS: I am going on a trip with friends (starting Saturday evening) all around Israel for a week! I am so excited to see all different kinds of cities and sights and of course I'll make you part of this experience^^. Because I am not yet sure if we have the time to see an Internet café during the tour, I'll prescribe a few posts to keep you entertained and maxium I'll share the Road Trip Photos upon my return in a week! Wish me a save trip! =) Love,
PS: All the other fashionistas receive their H&M catalogues in these days... F., please make sure that you keep my exemplar, do you hear me? =)
My abilities to read Hebrew are still developing... so for now I feel nearly like an analphabet, when I try to read a magazine! I found this magazine and took some impressions out for you. Are you looking for your own pirate ship or did you ever see the cutest washing machine in the world?
Many people here have extra curly hair (adorable!!).
Reminds me of the Black Pearl...yaay for Pirate jewellery!
Be you-nique...okay. This ad directly aimed at every fashionista's heart who already has everything and seeks for the perfect possibility to endulge herself with an extra washing machine for her beloved treasures! by smeg.
Scarlett Johansson for the Mango campaign 2010!
Can you spot the pink Kitchen Aid (c) on the left?? I want!! Also love the rest of this kitchen.
There will be more Israeli fashion campaigns soon! Lots of work for today... Lovely Thursday!