Wanna study fashion? You dream of pursuing a career in what you love most - fashion? Than this is the right post for you! I will introduce several possible careers and study courses. The study courses are located in Germany, but you will be sure to find similar ones in your own country!
- Behind the scenes of fashion industry:
"Textil- und Bekleidungstechnik" (Economical background of textile and fashion technique/business) in Mönchengladbach (Hochschule Niederrhein).
www.hs-niederrhein.de, www.td.reutlingen-university.de, http://de.saxion.edu/tct
--> Later you work in quality control, as buyer, in marketing or in commerce. - Costume Design:
"Szenographie/Kostüm" (Sceneography/Costumes) in Hannover (Fachhochschule Hannover).
www.fh-hannover.de, www.haw-hamburg.de, www.hfbk-dresden.de
--> Later you work for the opera, musicals, theaters, movies, or TV productions. - Writing about fashion:
"Modejournalismus" (Fashion Editor/Journalist) in Hamburg (AMD, Akademie Mode und Design).
--> You learn how to produce editorials & fashion articles, to do interviews/TV productions, build marketing-strategies, styling and fashion photography. - Designing fashion:
"Modedesign" (Fashion Design), e.g. in Trier, Reutlingen, Halle.
www.fh-trier.de, www.td.reutlingen-university.de, www.burg-halle.de
--> You learn to create your own collections and to discover your own style. - More study programmes:
"Fashion and Branding" (Modemarketing)
"Textiltechnik" (Textile techniques) - More possible fashion careers:
- Illustrator (for adverts/magazines/designers)
- Stylist
- Clothes Manufacturer
- Image Consultant/Assistant
- Retailer
- Fashion Buyer/Merchandiser
- Shop-/Boutique Owner
- Do a lot of online research, look at the study curriculum, consider your strenghts.
- Ask people who already study your desired subject about their experiences.
- Visit the school/university when they have "open door day".
- Do an internship in your desired area - reality may hit you and you get to know the everyday work and the work atmosphere (highly recommendable!!!).
How am I successful?
- I'll make it short:
- You need beside some raw talent: the right attitude, good connections, you have to work hard - and yes, luck also plays an important role! But if you really want it, you will make your way - and become the next big thing in the fashion industry!
I would like to hear if any of my readers are already studying fashion or have in mind to potentially do so. Hopefully I provided you with some good tipps and career inspiration ;).

PS.: Lilly is not studying fashion. My most favourite subject of study lays in another area, which I am following with passion. I am still a fashionista though.
Picture sources:
www.boston.com, studyusa.com, newgeneration-edu.com
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