During the day, people here stay inside with the aircondition on, because the temperatures are too high to walk outside without reason. Darkness tends to fall quickly here: the twilight period is short and within less than an hour a softly midnight-coloured blanket ornamented with stars covers the city. Now the shops open again (on Shabat (today), everything is closed, but as it ends with the evening, the stores open!), people are on the street, meeting friends or going to restaurants. Living in the night, is much more convenient (especially for Europeans...lol), so I got the impression that I became a creature of the darkness (with a pink, flowery skirt of course!).
My Israeli friends complain that it gets "cold" during the night (which means by definition that the temperature drops to 20 °C). They get freaked out when I leave the house in a short dress or in a Tshirt. So I take a pullover or a light jacket with me, just to lend it usually to somebody else. :D
Mainly, there are only three occasions when I feel cold in this city:
- You are getting out of the sea after 30 minutes swimming. Stay in the sun for 90 seconds and it is all gone.
- You are in front of the fridge in a supermarket and cannot decide which cheese you want to buy. Walk to the vegetable area and you are fine.
- You enter a heavily climatised store (hello, ...energy costs??!!). Adaptation takes 3-5 min.

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