The correct answer to this is: Ani medaberet rak zat ivrit. (I can speak a little Hebrew). I love languages and when I am going to a non-English speaking country, I always train to know at least some basics. In this case, it is actually more difficult, because Hebrew (Israel's official language) has a different alphabeth than the Western countries:
Additionally, you have to know the word (guessing from the context) before you are able to read a word, because it is written like that: "mthr" instead of "mother". And the scripture is written from right to left! Therefore, I exercised the phonetic transcription and it works pretty well! Hopefully I have soon the time to get deeper into the alphabeth! These are almost all learning cards I have written (learned) so far (the lipstick works as size comparison, haha) :
I was excited to read that Hebrew is the only ancient language (recorded from 1'000 before Christ's birth) that has been revived recently and is officially spoken today all over the country! Of course they had to adapt it a little and invent words for "Internet" and "Secondhand-Shop", but basically it is one of the oldest languages of humankind! Ah, and... the the Bible is originally written in Hebrew. Lehitra'ot! (Goodbye)

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