The flight got delayed for an hour and everything was a little stressful (my train to the airport got blocked by a demonstration!). But the food on the plane was delicious!!

The Israeli Airport (quite amazing!). I arrived there heavily overtired.

The following morning I took a bus to my new home town. They are all green like this one! I was a bit scared to stay at the bus station, because many (also civil) people with weapons (like machine guns) were there (which is common in Israel). However, I did not dare to take a picture of them!

Luckily I met J. shortly after! He is travelling the country and we became friends during the journey! A few days ago we met again and I hope see his country (France) for a visit anytime soon!

The desert. I realized that I haven't been to a proper desert before. Beautiful!!! It got soon freakin' hot! The daily temperature in my new home is around 25 - 30 °C, with peaks during the day with more than 37 °C.

McDonalds can be found anywhere on the globe...and yes now it's proven: also in the middle of the desert!
Edit: I had some major technical problems during the last week and that involved the camera, as well as the laptop and also the Internet. This is solved now for sure and I will be able to update regularly and share impressions from my new life here! More coming very soon, hugs to everybody!

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