~ May I introduce our unpopular roomates? Get to know Freddy and his family! ~ (scroll down)
This is my apartment: We have three rooms, a kitchen and a tiny balcony. Each room is intended for two girls, but at the moment we are only three. So I am happy to have my own room. Okay, I apologize in advance to the ladies from the interior design blogs: this is all I got and I made the best of it!

This is my wardrobe.
Yees, the doors are broken. The orange book is a forgotten Hebrew dictionary I found! The pink laundry basket is a pleasant luxury I just bought here.

Most of the time I use only a pure blanket as cover (except the Aircon gets too cold). On the shelves are my papaya bodylotion^^ and all my reading stuff. I need an adapter to charge my cell and the camera, cause the electricity plugs are different.

Two nails in the wall - taken over by me to store my necklaces and bracelets (below is my desk). Nice, hmmm? Did you spy all the magazine outcuts/editorials everywhere? The girls tease me about them, but it makes this room more
me. With some creativity and improvisation, you can make every place comfortable,
A warning: Now some of you have to be very,
very strong
(or just close your eyes!):

This is Freddy.
I found him when I innocently wanted to do the dishes and put my hand into the sink and....
yiieeeks. After a few shocked seconds (he's about 5 cm!) I got the camera, before I threw him out. Freddy was the first of five. In two weeks! I should seriously stop counting!!!!
How do you like my place? It never becomes boring, I assure you. When one of the girls screams, I am anytime ready to run to the "scene of crime", with a serious and focused look in my eyes and a self-developed catching-cage in my right hand, built out of a plastik box where you get tomatoes in from the supermarket.
Any ideas for more home style? Actually I thought about some artificial flowers...maybe lilys? If wished, I can post pics from our kitchen and the living room also.
Love and see you soon,

PS: I just got informed that the second light bulb suddenly broke down. Now there is no light in two rooms and I'll put 'bulbs' on top of my to-do-list for tomorrow. Oh happy day :D